Flying consul missions

Information on flying consul missions.

  1. Last updated on

Information in Dutch and French.

To capture biometric information for passport applications of registered Belgians, a staff member of the Consulate General travels to different cities with a mobile kit to capture biometrical data (photo, fingerprints and signature).

The Consulate General needs to receive your documents minimum two weeks before the visit of the ‘flying consul’. No forms, documents or payments will be accepted on the spot.

Planning 2025

  • Las Vegas, NV: February 12, 2025
  • Denver, CO: March 17/18, 2025
  • San Francisco, CA: April 2/3/4, 2025
  • Seattle, WA: May
  • Tampa, FL: May
  • Louisville, KY: June
  • Portland, OR: Fall
  • San Francisco: Fall
  • Charlotte, NC: Fall
  • Miami, FL: Fall

1. Please send following documents by postal mail:

  • the application forms for:
    • the passport application;
    • the identity card application;
    • the Kids-ID application;
    • the application for biometric pre-registration, in case of passport application within one year;
  • a copy of the current passport: the original passport will be presented to the ‘flying consul’. If the passport contains valid visas, it will be returned to you with the new passport, after cancellation of the remaining pages;
  • a copy of the "Permanent Resident Card" (bring the original to the appointment) or a copy of the valid American visa or US certificate of naturalization (unless born in the United States);
  • for minors: add a copy of the "Permanent Resident Card" or valid American visa or US certificate of naturalization of the Belgian parent (unless born in the United States);
  • money order or cashier’s check (no personal check or cash) payable to the "Consulate General of Belgium". For the exact amounts, please consult our pricelist;
  • a completed, stamped flat rate USPS envelope or UPS slip, including payment information (account nr. or credit card) to return the passport, without mentioning the Consulate as the sender (your own information should be mentioned twice, as sender & receiver).

Note: For missions happening within the jurisdiction of the Consulate General Of Belgium in Los Angeles, please wait to receive an invitation email with instructions.

2. Appointments

You can make an appointment online as soon as the schedule is available (approximately 6 weeks before the planned visit). 

For additional questions, you can contact the Consulate General by email. In all your communication, please mention clearly your name and chosen city in the subject of your email.

Other possibilities outside of the jurisdiction

Please note that you also have other options to request a passport:

At any other Consulate General or Embassy of Belgium (as well as the flying consul) and as of January 1st 2018, Belgians residing abroad can also apply for a new passport at the city hall of their last address in Belgium. Those who never took up residence in Belgium, but were born there, will need to contact the city hall of their birthplace. Belgians who were born abroad and never resided in Belgium can apply for a passport at a city hall of their choice.