Income taxes

  1. Last updated on

This information is also available in Dutch or French

If you are looking for information related to taxes, please contact a specialized accountant or a lawyer. Neither the Belgian Embassy nor the Consulates General are competent in this matter. 

A Convention for avoidance of double taxation has been agreed upon between the USA and Belgium. You may find the text in English on the website of the IRS, as well as general information about the convention. The text can be found in Dutch and French on the website of the FPS Finance (the Belgian tax authorities).

Have you been contacted by the Belgian tax authorities?

  • If you live in the USA and have been contacted by Belgian tax authorities in relation to income received in Belgium in the previous year (for example, a salary, pension, rent, dividends, etc.), then you are obliged to submit a 'non-resident income tax return' before the deadline mentioned on the form. 

  • You may request individual assistance from the FPS Finance in the months leading up to the deadline for submitting the tax return – you may find more information on this website. For individual assistance you need to make an appointment via +32 2 572 57 57  (extension: 17004). You will then be contacted at the agreed upon time in one of Belgium’s languages or English according to your preference. Someone will assist you in filing the tax return online during your appointment. 

For the tax return period of 2022 it is no longer possible to make an individual appointment. 

  • You can also file your tax return yourself electronically without the need for a Belgian identity card. Please find more information here

  • If you would like to file your tax return on paper, please find concrete information here about the steps to follow

  • Important, make sure to fill in your foreign income (not of Belgian origin) in case XIII (code 1330: net pension abroad, for example). 

For all other questions, please consult the website of the Belgian FPS Finance or contact them via telephone at +32 2 572 57 57 (extension code: 17004).